Inbar Reich

Inbar Reich currently lives in Pardes Hannah in Israel.

The spirit that pulses in Reich at every moment goes through spontaneous gestures that conquer the entire body, from the heart to a stormy dance guiding her, like transmitting an emotional message that has no words to describe. That's why the artist uses strong colors in her drawings and oil paintings.

With the optimistic and cheerful aesthetics and colors, the wealth of details and images compressed in her works, they become formal-spiritual mechanics and the viewer experiences an entire colorful and fascinating world of the artist. Present them in the here and now. As the heart expands and perceives meanings that are beyond the screen and ordinary reality.

"The colors of the spool." Reich


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11 products

Hanging moonHanging moon
Inbar Reich
Hanging moon Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Inbar Reich
Wheels Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Tower in the orchardTower in the orchard
Inbar Reich
Tower in the orchard Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Jungle II
Inbar Reich
Jungle II Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Here is a strawberry tree in heavenHere is a strawberry tree in heaven
Inbar Reich
Crown Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Inbar Reich
Creation Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Inbar Reich
Boats Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Atlantic II
Inbar Reich
Atlantic II Sale priceFrom R$ 390
Inbar Reich
Atlantic Sale priceFrom R$ 390
A bird keeper
Inbar Reich
A bird keeper Sale priceFrom R$ 390