Heli Freireg

Heli Freireg's eloquent style is unique. The Brazilian artist masters painting in an intimate and, at the same time, rational way. Heli Freireg, whose basic training is psychopedagogy, creates watered-down universes that aim to transmit provocative emotions and that indicate new possibilities to the observer.

England, Germany, the United States and South Africa, where she was awarded the silver medal at the Roodepoort Museum (1995), are some of the places that received the works of the artist who in 2000 participated in Artexpo, in New York.

Heli Freireg's artistic career included masters such as Katie von Sharpemberg, Beatriz Milhazes and João Magalhães.


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Heli Freireg
A Criação Sale priceFrom R$ 1.990
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Heli Freireg
Águas Profundas Sale priceFrom R$ 1.190
Heli Freireg
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Carta Lacrada
Heli Freireg
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Heli Freireg
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Heli Freireg
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Sem Título 01
Heli Freireg
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Heli Freireg
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