Alexandre Coric
Coric, was born in Paris and currently resides in New York. He spent most of his life traveling and at the age of 18 completed 3 world tours. The artist talks about his perspective on photography.
"I started taking photos the first time I opened my eyes. Of course, it wasn't the way I do photography today, but the way I do photography is genuinely linked to this first experience of seeing. Seeing is increasingly a miracle, we can see with our eyes. eyes, but the best way to see is to close them and open our heart, because as a French writer says “we only see clearly with our heart, nothing essential is visible to the eyes”
Life is a journey; We can travel without moving, we can move without traveling. In the end, what matters is the path we embrace. Photography can create this illusion of stopping time, capturing a moment. But deep down in the process, nothing lasts except the impermanence of the moment. Photography becomes a gateway, a time machine.