Sonia Menna Barreto
Sonia Menna Barreto is the author of the first Brazilian work to be part of the British Royal Family's art collection, one of the most relevant collections in the world.
Adept at oil painting and perspective tricks, Sonia Menna Barreto's visual narrative is a true optical illusion, thanks to the French technique known as "trompe l'oleil" (deceiving the eye).
His work entertains and moves the viewer through a kind of playful and humorous dialogue. Classic images take on a surreal twist. Sonia Menna Barreto's artistic production is inspired by "Homo Ludens", a book by Johan Huizinga that addresses gaming as something innate in the human experience.
The Brazilian artist even visited the studio of Luiz Portinari, brother of Cândido Portinari, and drank in the art produced by exponents of surrealism Max Ernst, De Chirico, Magritte and Paul Delvaux.
Adept at oil painting and perspective tricks, Sonia Menna Barreto's visual narrative is a true optical illusion, thanks to the French technique known as "trompe l'oleil" (deceiving the eye).
His work entertains and moves the viewer through a kind of playful and humorous dialogue. Classic images take on a surreal twist. Sonia Menna Barreto's artistic production is inspired by "Homo Ludens", a book by Johan Huizinga that addresses gaming as something innate in the human experience.
The Brazilian artist even visited the studio of Luiz Portinari, brother of Cândido Portinari, and drank in the art produced by exponents of surrealism Max Ernst, De Chirico, Magritte and Paul Delvaux.